Monday, June 23, 2008

Not exactly charged up

Yes.. poor Mr. Mediate and all those poor, neglected Itallian-Americans. Never a chance to make it from the crib, any of 'em.
This society needs to chill the FUCK out. I don't get up in arms when someone tells me the Irish are Intoxicated. I Barely blink when a drunk says that the Jews Gyped him in the gymnasium. I couldn't care less when the black kids on the bus start rapping about whailing on wussie whitey wretches (Yes, it's happened). It's all so basely offensive that I have to ignore it to save myself. And it's all so useless.
Besides I've always thought of a poolboy as being a being like on "Desperate Housewives", not exactly a derogatory comparison.
On second thought maybe Mr. Miller was making a subtle derogatory GAY comment!!!
Quick, lets figure out how he insulted the Arabs and the frikin Antarctic penguins too (what you don't think a PENGUIN could be Tiger's poolboy? You SPECIEST!!!)

I'm done.

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